Colgin Replacement Agricultural Road, Culverts, & New Bridge and Revegetation Plan


SCH Number
Public Agency
Napa County
Document Title
Colgin Replacement Agricultural Road, Culverts, & New Bridge and Revegetation Plan
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Grading and earthmoving activities associated with the construction of a replacement agricultural road previously built under permit number 98129-ECPA including one new bridge, two culvert pipe replacements and associated outfall structures, and a vegetation restoration plan project on gently to steeply sloping land (typically 0% to 35%) within a ± 3.69 acre area of existing vineyard and road and adjacent chaparral and disturbed grassland.

Contact Information

Paul Bartelt
Agency Name
Bartelt Engineering
Contact Types
Parties Undertaking Project

Dan Zador
Agency Name
County of Napa
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


St. Helena
Northern California, Unincorporated
Total Acres
Parcel #
032-560-036, 032-560-027, 032-560-025
Other Location Info
The project is located within the Lake Hennessy Drainage on an approximately 233-acre parcel holding [(APN 032-560-036 (primary parcel at 220 Long Ranch Road), 136.82 acres; 032-560-027, 48.42 acres; & 032-560-025, 47.85) located south of Sage Canyon Road on a private road, Long Ranch Road, located approximately 4,000 feet west of its intersection with Chiles Pope Valley Road (associated addresses 220, 230, & 275 Long Ranch Road) in the Long Ranch Road Area of Napa County, California. (Zoning: Agricultural Watershed).

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15301 & 15302
Reasons for Exemption
Project is the grading, earthmoving activities associated with the construction of a replacement road including a new bridge to cross an unnamed blue line stream designed to be built outside of the Top Of Bank to reduce hydrologic impacts from the existing crossing and two culverts to cross two drainage swales and associated outfall structures in addition to a restoration plan to replace existing vegetation located on shallow to steep slopes (slopes ranging typically from 0-35%) located within an area of approximately of 3.69 acres within an existing vineyard and agricultural road and adjacent chaparral and disturbed grassland. A geotechnical report was prepared for the project and all of the storm water conveyance facilities were designed to meet to 100 year storm event. The project area is mostly located on lands that have previously been disturbed by vineyard and the existing driveway. The proposed restoration plan would replace existing vegetation types where minor realignment takes place to improve the stream crossing. Existing improvements in the project area consist of vineyard, winery and agricultural accessory structures and residential structures. Pursuant to State Section numbers 15301 & 15302, the project is replacement/repair of existing facilities. The project area is not situated on a recognized hazardous waste site or would not exacerbate any known landslide. This project will not adversely affect cultural or scenic resources, and the project is conditioned to require protections for such resources if any are discovered. This project includes a vegetation restoration plan and will not adversely affect biological resources, and the project is conditioned to require other state and federal permits which include protections for such resources. The proposed project would not substantially interfere with the movement of wildlife. In addition it will not contribute to increases in local off-site stream flows or sediment levels, reductions in groundwater recharge, or groundwater levels, or changes in other environmental parameters. Finally, there are no unusual circumstances associated with this project that would cause it to have a significant effect on the environment: see project file at the Napa County Department of Planning, Building, and Environmental Services for documentation supporting these conclusions.
County Clerk
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