Rat Creek and North
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Transportation, District 5
Document Title
Rat Creek and North
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Proposed work is to repair and reconstruct damaged highway facilities resulting from debris flows and other rain related damage from the storm of January 27th and 28th on Highway 1 in Monterey County. This project description covers the Rat Creek washout (MON-1-30.2) and other repairs north of Rat Creek. The Governor declared a state of emergency for Monterey County on January 29, 2021 given the extent of damage caused by this rainfall event. On January 27,2021, an early morning storm began to pass over the Big Sur Coast. The storm front stalled, became an atmospheric river, led to higher than usual rainfall totals for the area, and caused fire debris and surface material to inundate many of the drainage systems that cross the Highway 1. Many cut slopes above the highway had surface material and fire debris that washed down during the rain event. Severe damage occurred at MON-1-30.2 - Rat Creek, where debris and mud blocked the existing 66" corrugated metal pipe that conveyed the flow under the embankment. Runoff began to pond behind the roadway embankment. The water level rose, overtopped the highway, and eroded the fill on the downstream side. By the morning of January 29th, both lanes had been lost. The scope of work is for the contractor to clear the mud and debris from the highway, clear culvert inlet areas of debris and mud, clear culverts impacted by debris flows, and allow Caltrans forces to assess the condition of inlets.
The main items of work:
• Clear inlet areas and dispose of the debris and mud
• Vactor culverts to clear debris and mud
• Repair and enhance inlet redundancy features
• Clear debris and mud from the highway
• Reconstruct the highway embankments
• Install a new main culvert and overflow culverts in the reconstructed highway embankment
• Remove Debris from Bridge Bents and Abutments
• Install inlet protection and redundancy features
• Install down drains
• Paving and striping the reconstructed section of highway
• Repair/Rehab/Replace damaged culverts as needed
• Develop a borrow site at approximately Post Mile 27.5
• Place erosion control measures
• Provide temporary traffic control
Contact Information
Allison Donatello
Agency Name
Contact Types
Responsible Agency
Big Sur
Northern California, Unincorporated
State Highways
Highway 1 Big Sur
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
PRC 21080[b]; 14 CCR 15260 et seq.)
Reasons for Exemption
Emergency Project, Governors Declaration and Presidential Declaration
County Clerk