Riverfront Park Weir Repair Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
Sonoma County Water Agency
Document Title
Riverfront Park Weir Repair Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Present Land Use
County Regional Park
Document Description
The project consists of the stabilization and re-armoring of the Lake Benoist weir at the southern end of Riverfront Regional Park (Figure 1). The weir, a bank stabilization feature that functions as a grade control structure between Lake Benoist and the Russian River, has eroded on the lakeside from high storm flows moving from the Russian River into Lake Benoist. High flows from the river overtopped the weir, eroded a previously installed hiking trail and created a large scour pit at the base of the outlet that is contributing to the destabilization of the weir. The project proposes to remove the damaged trail and utilize approximately 600 cubic feet of the trail material to fill in and regrade the scour pit. The trail will not be replaced due to repeated disturbance during overflow events. Re-grading would occur on approximately 17,000 square feet of area. Approximately 33,000 square feet of the damaged weir area would be re-armored with approximately 2,000 cubic yards of new rip-rap. The total area of potential disturbance is approximately 42,000 square feet. Tree removal will only occur in the re-armor and re-grade area. Where feasible, existing tree roots will be retained and incorporated with rip-rap. Any water in the scour pond will be pumped out and a fish rescue will be conducted prior to all work. Construction vehicle access to the weir will occur along the east side of Lake Benoist Loop Trail.
Contact Information
Jeff Church
Agency Name
Sonoma County Water Agency
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Agency Name
Grant Davis
Contact Types
Project Applicant
Northern California, Unincorporated
Cross Streets
Eastside Road
Parcel #
Russian River
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15301(b): Existing Facilities.
Reasons for Exemption
The project consists of the repair and minor alteration of public facilities and topographic features at the site with substantially the same purpose as the facilities and topographic features being repaired, and involves no expansion of capacity. The project will involve the restoration and stabilization of the existing eroded weir and as a result, will improve conditions that currently exist on the site, including fish and wildlife habitat, by minimizing potential future erosion. All work will be conducted inside the work area (Figure 1), which is mostly within waters of the U.S. Repairs would be started after lake levels have declined during the summer season and the area to be repaired is dry, except for the scour pit, which will be pumped dry following fish rescue. Disturbed areas will be seeded with native species to encourage regrowth of native vegetation and reduce potential future erosion.
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15302(c): Replacement or Reconstruction
Reasons for Exemption
The project consists of the repair and minor alteration of public facilities and topographic features at the site with substantially the same purpose as the facilities and topographic features being repaired, and involves no expansion of capacity. The project will involve the restoration and stabilization of the existing eroded weir and as a result, will improve conditions that currently exist on the site, including fish and wildlife habitat, by minimizing potential future erosion. All work will be conducted inside the work area (Figure 1), which is mostly within waters of the U.S. Repairs would be started after lake levels have declined during the summer season and the area to be repaired is dry, except for the scour pit, which will be pumped dry following fish rescue. Disturbed areas will be seeded with native species to encourage regrowth of native vegetation and reduce potential future erosion.