Upper Little Stony Post Ranch Fire Restoration Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
Colusa County
Document Title
Upper Little Stony Post Ranch Fire Restoration Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Colusa County Resource Conservation District (CCRCD), Upper Little Stony lnholders' Association (ULSIA) along with Mendocino National Forest (MNF), have coordinated the development of Upper Little Stony Post Ranch Fire Restoration Project as a landscape scale forest restoration/carbon sequestration/fuel reduction project that will help California meet its Greenhouse Gas (GHG) goals, reestablish natural fire regimes and stabilize ecological functions. In 2018 the Ranch Fire destroyed much of the Mendocino National Forest within Colusa County. The area for restoration was severely damaged. This project is to implement forest restoration practices on a watershed level. It is imperative . to implement restoration as soon as possible to lessen the damage to remaining trees, wildlife and water on the private inholdings, which will complement the public land restoration. Activities on public and private lands within the Mendocino National Forest are being coordinated to achieve watershed health and habitat restoration. The project is on 1,680 privately owned acres within MNF and will be completed over the next 4 years. The post fire restoration involves reforestation along with biomass removal, pest control and fuels management. The goals of this project will be accomplished through an array of vegetation treatments including: See NOE for full details.

Contact Information

Elizabeth Harper
Agency Name
Colusa County RCD
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Other Location Info
Sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 21 The project area is located within the United States Forest Service on private in holders lands, within that portion of the South Coast Range within northwestern Colusa County.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
The Colusa Count Resource Conservation District is providing project funding obtained through the California Climate Investments Fire Prevention Grant Program in order to conduct restoration activities on private lands within the Mendocino National Forest. The CCRCD is also providing project management and other personnel necessary to implement project work. CCRCD has considered the sensitivity of its location, possible cumulative impacts as well as any potential impact due to avoidable circumstances, and found that Categorical Exemption 15304, minor alterations to the land. This environmental review used the Upper Little Stony Post Ranch Fire Restoration scope of work noted above and meet the conditions of California Code 4799.05(d)(1) in that those portions of the project area located within Mendocino National Forest lands in Trout Creek and parts of Little Stony watersheds. These properties have been analyzed under US Forest Service environment analysis processes as described in a NEPA Environmental Assessment document and USFS Decision Memo prepared for similar project. The full NEPA with special biological and cultural studies covered most of the properties for a prescribed burn and fuels treatment. o·n the private lands, on the same areas, a CCRCD funded fuels treatment project was implemented using Categorical Exemption sec 15304. See NOE for full details.
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