Yreka Main Street Water System Improvement Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Yreka
Document Title
Yreka Main Street Water System Improvement Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The purpose of the proposed project is to replace aging infrastructure, achieve adequate fire flows, and ensure a safe and reliable water supply for customers in the City's water service area. The proposed project includes improvements to the City's water distribution system. Improvements include replacement of ±8,900 feet of 4-inch water mains with 8-inch water mains; ±100 feet of 4-inch water main with a 12-inch main; installation of ±78 water valves: installation of ±40 fire hydrants; and replacement of ±10 water meters and ±110 meter boxes, and ±5,000 feet of 1-inch water service piping. The new water main in Main Street would be connected to existing water mains at some of the intersections; the connecting pipe includes ±400 feet of 8-inch, 560 feet of 6-inch, 250 feet of 4:inch, and 80 feet of 2-inch pipe. See NOE for full details.

Contact Information

Cynthia Lynch
Agency Name
City of Yreka
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


22, 27
Other Location Info
U.S. Geological Survey's Yreka 7.5-minute quadrangle

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 2, §15302; Class 3, §15303; Class 4, §15304
Reasons for Exemption
Class 2 covers replacement or reconstruction of existing utility systems and/or facilities involving negligible or no expansion of capacity; Class 3 covers construction and location of limited numbers of new, small facilities or structures; and Class 4 covers minor trenching and backfilling on land with a slope of less than ten percent where the surface is restored. The project is consistent with the categorical exemptions noted above because work would consist of replacement of existing water meters and meter boxes, replacement of existing water mains, and installation of fire hydrants. Although the new water mains would be larger than the existing mains, the existing mains are undersized for existing conditions, and larger mains are required to meet minimum California Waterworks Standards and to achieve adequate fire flows. Improvements would occur in previously disturbed areas within public road ROW. Paved areas disturbed during installation of the improvements would be repaved following construction. As documented in Attachment A, the proposed project would.not have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances; would not result in damage to scenic resources within a Scenic Highway; is not located on a hazardous waste site pursuant to §65962.5 of the Government Code; would not cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource; and would not result in cumulative impacts.
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