Natural Bridges State Beach - Accessibility Improvements Geotechnical Investigation


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Parks and Recreation
Document Title
Natural Bridges State Beach - Accessibility Improvements Geotechnical Investigation
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project will provide geotechnical services to identify the soil conditions under and around four (4) boring sites within the park. The project will identify existing site conditions; drill using a 6-inch auger on a truck mounted drill rig to a depth of 15 feet; record the soil conditions; backfill all excavation with soil cuttings. Work at each of the sites includes: Geotechnical Investigation at all locations: • Perform four (4) exploratory diameter borings with a truck-mounted drill rig equipped with hollow stem or solid flight augers. • Record the soil conditions and log borings in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. • Backfill holes with soil cuttings. Excess soil cuttings will be spread in adjacent undeveloped areas away from the waterways.

Contact Information

Joel Bonilla
Agency Name
California State Parks
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency

Agency Name
Northern Service Center
Contact Types
Project Applicant


Santa Cruz
Cross Streets
Natural Bridges State Beach

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class: 1, and 4 Section: 15301 and 15304
Reasons for Exemption
Project consists of the operation of mechanical equipment and minor alteration of existing public facilities involving negligible use beyond current levels; and the minor public alterations in the conditions of land and vegetation in the Department of Parks and Recreation's list of exempt activities in accordance with CCR § 15300.4.
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