Opus One Grading Permit - Replacement Pipe
SCH Number
Public Agency
Napa County
Document Title
Opus One Grading Permit - Replacement Pipe
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project is located within the To Kalon Creek Drainage on an approximately 85-acre parcel holding (APN 027-280-068 (primary); 027-390- 001; & 027-280-040) located west of 1380 Walnut Lane along with two parcels of land west of that address, on the north side of Walnut Lane approximately 0. 7 mile west of its intersection with Highway 29 in the Oakville/To Kalon Area of Napa County, California. (Zoning: Agricultural Preserve).
Contact Information
Daniel Zador
Agency Name
Napa County Planning, Building & Environmental Services
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Agency Name
Jim R. Bushey, PPI Engineering
Contact Types
Project Applicant
Cross Streets
1380 Walnut Lane
Parcel #
027-280-068 (primary); 027-390- 001; & 027-280-040
State Highways
Highway 29
Other Location Info
The project is located within the To Kalan Creek Drainage on an approximately 85-acre parcel holding (APN 027-280-068 (primary); 027-390- 001; & 027-280-040) located west of 1380 Walnut Lane along with two parcels of land west of that address, on the north side of Walnut Lane approximately 0. 7 mile west of its intersection with Highway 29 in the Oakville/To Kalon Area of Napa County, California.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 1, 2; Sections 15301 & 15302
Reasons for Exemption
Project is the grading, earthmoving activities associated with the construction of a replacement drainage culvert and pipe inlet and outfall structure project on shallow slopes (slopes ranging typically from 0- 5%) located within an area of approximately of 0. 7 acre within an farmed dirt/annual grassland. The project area is located on lands that have previously been disturbed by vineyard farming and operations. Existing improvements in the project area consist of agricultural accessory structures and residential access roads. Pursuant to State Section numbers 15301 & 15302, the project is replacement/repair of existing facilities. The project area is not situated on a recognized hazardous waste site or would not exacerbate any known landslide. This project will not adversely affect cultural or scenic resources, and the project is conditioned to require protections for such resources if any are discovered. This project will not adversely affect biological resources, and the project is conditioned to require other state and federal permits which include protections for such resources. The proposed project would not substantially interfere with the movement of wildlife. In addition it will not contribute to increases in local off-site stream flows or sediment levels, reductions in groundwater recharge, groundwater levels, or available wildlife habitat, or changes in other environmental parameters. Finally, there are no unusual circumstances associated with this project that would cause it to have a significant effect on the environment: see project file at the Napa County Department Planning, Building, and Environmental Services for documentation supporting these conclusions.