Telegraph Road Traffic Throughput and Safety Enhancements Project - Phase I


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Downey
Document Title
Telegraph Road Traffic Throughput and Safety Enhancements Project - Phase I
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project proposes to provide mobility, capacity, safety, and beautification enhancements along Telegraph Road, including intersections along the street. In addition, the project will sustain an acceptable level-of-service along the aforementioned street corridor and associated intersections through 2035. Project features include the following: Construction of raised landscaped median islands along Telegraph Road with drought-tolerant plants and recycled water irrigation; Modification of existing traffic signals at six intersections with Transit Priority System, bicycle video detection system, and countdown pedestrian signals; Construction of concrete crosswalks; Sidewalk improvements, including minor widening of outside curb widths.

Contact Information

Jim G. Bautista, P.E.
Agency Name
City of Downey
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Downey, Pico Rivera
Los Angeles
Other Location Info
Two segments of Telegraph Road within the cities of Downey south half and Pico rIvera (north area). Project Location - Specific 1. Between west city limit at the Rio Hondo River Channel and Lakewood Boulevard/Rosemead Boulevard 2. Between Passons Boulevard and the east city limit at the San Gabriel River Channel

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15301c, Class 1 & 3; 15033d
Reasons for Exemption
this project only involves the installation of raised median islands replacing the existing painted median, as well as minor street improvements which fall under repair, maintenance, and safety improvements of existing public facilities, and does not involve any expansion beyond existing.
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