California's Interregional Express Corridors (REVISED)
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Energy Commission
Document Title
California's Interregional Express Corridors (REVISED)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
This revised notice of exemption is to change 11 site locations to the original notice of exemption. The overall project will deploy 152 electric vehicle charging stations (consisting of 99 direct current fast chargers and 53 dual-port level 2 electric vehicle charging stations) at 53 locations in California. This project will help strengthen the existing, but limited direct current fast charging network to extend the range of plug-in electric vehicle miles driven, further support the adoption and growth of plug-in electric vehicles in California, and help meet the near-term goal of the Governor's Executive Order B-16-12 specifying infrastructure be built to support the fueling of 1 million zero-emission vehicles by 2020.
Contact Information
Brian Fauble
Agency Name
CA Energy Commission
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Agency Name
ChargePoint, INC
Contact Types
Project Applicant
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15301, -03, -04
Reasons for Exemption
The Energy Commission made CEQA findings pertaining to this project, including finding that it was categorically exempt under 14 CCR 15301, 15303 and 15304 when the project as originally approved by the Commission on December 14, 2016. A revised Notice of Exemption was filed on July 2, 2018 to change 25 installation site locations. The currently proposed changes through this amendment include the substitution of 11 project sites with new sites. These changes will no.t result in any impact to the environment beyond those already considered in 2016 and do not change the applicability of the categorical exemptions under 14 CCR 15301, 15303 and 15304.