2019 Water Transfer from Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency to Water Districts within Kern County Water Agency


SCH Number
Public Agency
Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency
Document Title
2019 Water Transfer from Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency to Water Districts within Kern County Water Agency
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Kern Westside Districts are proposing to purchase 9,900 AF of water from SCVWA. SCVWA has a May 22, 2007 agreement to purchase water from Buena Vista WSD ("BVWSD") and Rosedale-Rio Bravo WSD ("RRBWSD") as part of the BVWSD/RRBWSD Water Banking and Recovery Program that is deliverable to SCVWA via exchange (a for a portion of BVWSD and RRBWSD's KCWA State Water Project ("SWP") Table A water. Per said 2007 agreement, SCVWA would request BVWSD/RRBWSD to provide the water to SCVWA in the California Aqueduct as KCWA SWP Table A water. The KCWA SWP Table A water would then be transferred internally within KCWA to the Kern Westside Districts in the following percentages: 20.46% to Belridge WSD, 17.97% to Berrenda Mesa WD, 34.60% to Lost Hills WD, and 26.97% to Wheeler Ridge-Maricopa WSD.

Contact Information

Dirk Marks
Agency Name
Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Kern, Los Angeles, Ventura

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
Statutory Exemption - 15061 CEQA Guidelines Section 15061 (b)3 provides that a Lead Agency may determine an activity to be exempt from CEQA based upon the general rule that CEQA applies only to projects that have a potential for causing significant environmental impacts. Where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment, the activity is not subject to CEQA. SCVWA finds that approval of the proposed water transfer has no possibility for significant effect on the environment for the following reasons: *See NOE for full details.
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