Hampton Inn and Suites
SCH Number
Lead Agency
City of Rosemead
Document Title
Hampton Inn and Suites
Document Type
MND - Mitigated Negative Declaration
Present Land Use
Asphalt parking lot. GP: commercial and zoning is C-3, D and P-D
Document Description
The project site is currently a paved parking lot for use by the UFC Gym southeast of the site. The project includes the construction of a five-story hotel with 123 guest rooms, business center with computers and a fax and photocopy machine, fitness center, meeting rooms, swimming pool, snack shop and complimentary breakfast for hotel guests. The project proposes 125 parking spaces, including 95 standard spaces, 20 compact spaces, 5 RV spaces, 5 handicap spaces and 20 bicycle spaces. New landscaping will be constructed along the north, west and southern project boundaries. A 3-foot tall block wall and landscaping will be constructed along the east project boundary to separate the project from the UFC Gym east of the site. The hotel is 67'9" in height. There are three points for site access from the adjacent streets. Indirect site access is also provided via a joint drive aisle with the UFC Gym site that extends along the north side of the gym and connects with Ivar Avenue at the west project boundary. A proposed reciprocal access agreement will allow legal access between the project site and the adjacent UFC Gym.
Contact Information
Lily Valenzuela
Agency Name
City of Rosemead
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Los Angeles
Cross Streets
Ivar Ave and Glendon Way
Parcel #
State Highways
Rio Hondo River
Notice of Completion
State Review Period Start
State Review Period End
State Reviewing Agencies
California Department of Fish and Wildlife, South Coast Region 5 (CDFW), California Department of Parks and Recreation, California Highway Patrol, California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles Region 4 (RWQCB), Department of Water Resources, Office of Emergency Services, California, Resources Agency, San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy (RMC), California Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC), California Department of Transportation, District 7 (DOT)
State Reviewing Agency Comments
California Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC), California Department of Transportation, District 7 (DOT)
Development Types
Commercial (shopping/123 rooms)
Local Actions
Rezone, Use Permit, Design Review
Project Issues
Aesthetics, Agriculture and Forestry Resources, Air Quality, Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Cumulative Effects, Drainage/Absorption, Fiscal Impacts, Flood Plain/Flooding, Geology/Soils, Growth Inducement, Hazards & Hazardous Materials, Hydrology/Water Quality, Land Use/Planning, Mineral Resources, Noise, Population/Housing, Public Services, Recreation, Schools/Universities, Septic System, Sewer Capacity, Solid Waste, Transportation, Vegetation, Wetland/Riparian, Wildfire, Wildlife
Disclaimer: The document was originally posted before CEQAnet had the capability to host attachments for the public. To obtain the original attachments for this document, please contact the lead agency at the contact information listed above.