Arrowhead Communities Fire Safe Council Defensible Space Fuel Treatment
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Document Title
Arrowhead Communities Fire Safe Council Defensible Space Fuel Treatment
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project are includes Lake Arrowhead, Cedar Glen, Blue Jay, Twin Peaks, Rimforest, Skyforest, and surrounding communities that are part of the Arrowhead Communities Fire Safe Council. These areas consist of mixed conifer/hardwood forests and brush species. The elevation ranges from approximately 5,200-6,000 ft. The project consists of chipping woody debris in order to assist private landowners dispose of cut vegetation to meet defensible space requirements. The project will help to reduce the community's risk associated with wildfire by helping property owners with habitable structures start the initial push to play an active role in reducing hazardous fuels. The ACFSC will schedule chipper days for homeowners to take the vegetation they generate to create defensible space to the curbside to be chipped back onto the property or chipped into a truck and hauled away. The chipper will stay on existing roads. It is estimated that approximately 125 property owners will participate in the project totaling approximately 25 treated acres annually.
Contact Information
Henry Herrera
Agency Name
Cal Fire
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
San Bernardino
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
Fuel management activities within 30 ft of structures to reduce the volume of flammable vegetation, provided that the activities will not result in the taking of endangered, rare, or threatened plant or animal species or significant erosion and sedimentation of surface waters. This exemption shall apply to fuel management activities within 100 ft of a structure if the public agency having fire protection responsibility for the area has determined that 100 ft of fuel clearance is required due to extra hazardous fire conditions.
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