Woodstove Replacement Program
SCH Number
Public Agency
Mono County
Document Title
Woodstove Replacement Program
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Mono County's Woodstove Replacement Program (WRP) is funded by 'Environmental Public Benefit Funds' from the Great Basin Unified Air Pollution Control District specifically for the purpose of funding air pollution reduction projects within the Air District. WRP is intended to identify and encourage the replacement of non-EPA compliant wood burning systems throughout project location with new, EPA Phase 2 heating appliances, thereby providing more efficient and cleaner burning heating systems that result in significantly less wood smoke particulate emissions throughout Mono County and beyond. Additionally, WRP will also encourage the replacement of compliant woodstoves with much cleaner burning pellet or gas heating appliances, also resulting in significantly les wood smoke emissions.
Contact Information
Wendy Sugimura
Agency Name
Mono County
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
S:15301, Class 1
Reasons for Exemption
Existing Facilities.
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