Integrated Solar PV, Advanced Compressed Air Energy Storage, and Microgrid Demonstration
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Energy Commission
Document Title
Integrated Solar PV, Advanced Compressed Air Energy Storage, and Microgrid Demonstration
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Project will demonstrate management of renewable and non-renewable electricity using a vanadium redox flow battery energy storage system (BESS) at the Mobile Utilities Support & Equipment facility located at Naval Base Ventura County in Oxnard, California. Installed equipment will include 150 kW of solar PV generating capacity paired with a 100 kW/400 k Wh BESS system all interconnected to a new microgrid and related system controls capable of operating in either grid-connected or grid-independent modes.
The vanadium redox BESS packages the power cells, electrolyte tanks and various pumps and electrical controls in three standard 20 foot shipping containers which will also serve as housings for the installed system. The electrolyte, consisting of vanadium ions in a <16% HCL solution, is considered non-toxic and is stored in chemically compatible tanks (HDPE, XLPE, or FRP). Secondary spill containment is also provided. The footprint of the BESSS will be approximately 40x40 feet and will be either placed on extant asphalt concrete (AC) surface or a Portland cement concrete pad may be poured on top of the existing AC surface. The AC surface serves as a barrier over a low-grade radiation-contaminated soil in some areas and no trenching or otherwise piercing the barrier will be permitted in those areas. The solar systems consists of 75 modules that will be racked and mounted to shipping containers or military storage shelters and placed along an approximately 500 foot section of the MUSE facility perimeter. The shelters will be set on the extant AC surface outside the contaminated zone, and if necessary will be anchored to the ground through the surface. The PV-Storage set up will be interconnected and distributed through an extant distribution substation on the site, to which a new 480V breaker will be added.
Contact Information
Mike Kane
Agency Name
California Energy Commission
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
S:15303, Class 3
Reasons for Exemption
New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures.
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