Campground Accessibility Improvement Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Parks and Recreation
Document Title
Campground Accessibility Improvement Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Modify the existing campground facilities within Richardson Grove State Park to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and meet requirements in the "California State Parks Accessibility Guidelines". Work will: At three campsites - (each site is approx. 1000 sq ft.):
Excavate a six by six inch hole eighteen inches deep, fill with concrete slurry and install concrete stobbers for parking abutments.
Remove barbeques, food lockers, tables, table anchors, and fire rings, if required, to configure each campsite for ADA access.
To reinstall: excavate 5 holes up to 24" deep and 6" wide to reinstall the barbeques, excavate 4" deep x 58" long and 47" wide for the concrete slab and attach food (bear) lockers to the slab, 1' diameter hole for each duck bill cable table anchor, and a 3' diameter by 9" deep area for the fire rings.
At 1st campsite
Saw cut and remove the 20'x22' area of asphalt.
Form and pour 20'x20' (same location as above) parking pad using steel reinforced concrete.
Excavate to install 4"x6" wooden border and backfill approach to slab with compacted road base.
Excavate up 6" deep and 40' in length and stack quarry stones to build a stone retaining wall at the back of the site.
Add up to 40 cubic yards aggregate fill and compact to level campsite.
At 2nd campsite
Remove a 10' long by 15' wide section of asphalt from the end of a 50' long by 15' wide asphalt parking area.
Excavate up to 6" deep and re-compact to establish a level 18'x20' parking.
Form and pour an 18' x 20' slab using steel reinforced concrete.
Excavate to install 4" x 6" wooden borders to establish an 18'x18' tent area at back of site; and a 20'x20' table and fire ring area at front of site: backfill with aggregate and compact to level.
At 3rd campsite
Remove the approximately 20'x20' asphalt parking space with a skid steer.
Excavate up to 6" deep and 4" wide to border and backfill parking approach with 4" x 6" wood and compacted road base.
Excavate up to 9" deep and 4" wide and place 4" x 6" wooden border and backfill with compacted aggregate road base to establish one 20'x20' area for tent, table and fire ring.
At three (3) water stations
Excavate an approx. 4' deep by 10 sq.ft. area to install a concrete pad and excavate an up to 30" diameter hole for the water drain well at existing water stations and adjust station fixtures and heights.
Contact Information
Stephanie Coleman
Agency Name
California Department of Parks and Recreation
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Other Location Info
Richardson Grove State Park
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
S:15301,15303,15304, Class 1,3,4
Reasons for Exemption
Project consists of the repair, maintenance and minor alteration of existing public structures and facilities involving negligible expansion of use beyond current levels, the construction and location of limited numbers of new, small facilities and the minor alteration in the condition of land that does not involve removal of healthy, mature, scenic trees included as "modification of existing facilities for disabled access" in the Department of Parks and Recreation's list of exempt activities in accordance with CCR § 15300.4.
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