Columbia College Flashover Chamber


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE)
Document Title
Columbia College Flashover Chamber
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The proposed project is a flashover chamber to be used for firefighter training at Columbia College in Tuolumne County. The flashover chamber consists of a metal cargo container. Wood will be burned inside the container to simulate flashover conditions in a structure fire. Approximately 100 gallons of water will be required to extinguish the fire at the end of the exercise. The container will be placed in an existing gravel parking lot. The container will not be near any watercourses, and it is unlikely that water used to extinguish the fires will deliver sediment or ash to a watercourse.

Contact Information

Adam Frese
Agency Name
Cal Fire
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency



Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15304 - Class 4
Reasons for Exemption
Minor Alterations to Land.

Disclaimer: The document was originally posted before CEQAnet had the capability to host attachments for the public. To obtain the original attachments for this document, please contact the lead agency at the contact information listed above.

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