Men's Correctional Facility & Day Reporting System Reconstruction-Sequoia Field
SCH Number
Public Agency
Tulare County
Document Title
Men's Correctional Facility & Day Reporting System Reconstruction-Sequoia Field
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The activity involves the application of funds through the SB 1022 Construction Program for replacement, reconstruction, relocation, and operation, as the case may be, of correctional and reporting facilities at Sequoia Field located in Tulare County, California, for Men's Correctional Facility (MCF) and Day Reporting Center (DRC) Specifically, the construction area includes the removal (relocation) and reconstruction (rebuilding with similar location, design and construction) of up to four existing buildings and the surrounding grounds at Sequoia Field for which no significant impact will occur because of precise design standards required for the project. The purpose of the activity is to improve correctional facility availability within the county and to improve public safety and security for the residents of the county.
Contact Information
Captain Keith Douglas
Agency Name
Tulare County--Board of Supervisors
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class1,2,3,4; 15301,02,03,04
Reasons for Exemption
Supporting CEQA Analysis for this project demonstrates that the proposed project will not cause a significant effect on the enviroment. Detailed design measures are more required for the project to insure that no significant enviromental effects will occur from this replacement, reconstrruction and relocation project.
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