In-Line Storm Drain Urban Runoff Treatment Demonstration Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Santa Monica
Document Title
In-Line Storm Drain Urban Runoff Treatment Demonstration Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
This project involves the installation and monitoring of two sets of two separate storm drain treatment BMP retrofit systems strategically located to capture, filter, clean and infiltrate polluted dry weather and stormwater runoff. The first system will be a retrofit of an existing in-line curb-facing catch basin to divert daily urban runoff and low flow stormwater runoff to a two-stage pre-treatment and infiltration BMP system for percolation into sub-surface soils. The second system will be a retrofit of an existing in-street storm drain manhole to divert daily urban runoff and low flow stromwater to a similar 2-stage pre-treatment and infiltration BMP system for percolation.
Contact Information
Rich Valte
Agency Name
City of Santa Monica
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Los Angeles, Los Angeles, City of
Los Angeles
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
Existing facilities.
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