UC Davis Walnut Tree Inoculation Research
SCH Number
Public Agency
University of California, Davis
Document Title
UC Davis Walnut Tree Inoculation Research
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
UC Davis will conduct a research project to test the effectiveness of Inoculation walnut trees will collect fungus. Small walnut tree branches growing at the UC Davis Wolfskill Ranch Facility in Solano County will be inoculated with the fungus Geosmithia morgida and after a two-two six-week period, the test branches will be transported to the main UC Davis campus in Yolo County, analyzed, autoclaved, and then transported to a landfill for disposal. The fungus used for the research is prevalent within the Wolfskill Ranch area and the isolates of the fungus used obtained from naturally infected trees at the Wolfskill Ranch and surrounding environs within Solano County. Upon collection, the branches may contain beetles such as the walnut twig Pityopthorus juglands and the research protocol includes measures to contain and dispose of any insect accidently collected during the research program. The research would pose no risk of infection from the fugues to other organisms and no risk to spreading organisms from the Wolfskill Ranch to other locations because the fungus already is prevalent is provalcnet prevalent in the area and would not create a new exposure pathway.
Contact Information
Sid England
Agency Name
University of California, Davis
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Solano, Yolo
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
Information Collection.
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