2020 Facilities Master Plan

12 Documents in Project


SCH Number
Lead Agency
South Orange County Community College District
Document Title
2020 Facilities Master Plan
Document Type
NOD - Notice of Determination
Document Description
The 2020 FMP proposes revisions to the facilities included in the 2011 FMPs. The 2020 FMP proposes additional outdoor spaces, redevelopment of aged buildings and consolidation of various functions within new buildings, shifting of planned building locations on campus, reuse of campus areas previously containing temporary buildings for student housing, inclusion of solar canopies/shade structures, circulation improvements, and expanded parking facilities. All of the 2020 FMP improvements would be located within the existing campuses, as evaluated in the EIR that was completed for the 2011 FMPs. The 2020 FMP identifies 7,280 fewer enrollments and a need for less square footage in 2030 than identified by the 2011 FMP at Irvine Valley College. The 2020 FMP plans for an increase of 57,778 ASF, which results in a total of 404,885 ASF (approximately 546,594 GSF at 65% grossing factor) at the campus, which is 24,846 GSF less than what was included in the 2011 Irvine Valley College The existing B100 building that provides for classrooms, offices, and the bookstore would be removed, and a new Student Services building would be developed. Disabled Students Programs and Services will be located here as well. Also, consistent with the 2011 Irvine Valley College FMP, the quad to the southwest of the new Student Services building would be redeveloped; however, the proposed quad in the 2020 Irvine Valley College FMP would be larger and have outdoor seating, dining, and areas for activities. Buildings A100 (Administration) that is 7,774 GSF, A200 (Social Sciences) that is 16,149 GSF, and A300 (Humanities, Fine Arts and District HR) that is 14,066 GSF are aged and reaching the end of their use. These three buildings would be demolished and a new building that is 37,989 GSF would be developed. A new Fine Arts building would be developed to provide new classroom, laboratories, offices, a library space, and other support space for the Fine Arts Department. Consistent with the 2011 FMPs, the existing aged PE100 (Health Fitness Complex) building would be demolished and a new PE100 building would be developed. A new Wellness Court would be developed to support outdoor instruction and recreation activities. Renovation projects include library renovation, Student Activities Center renovation to include Campus Police and IT, B200 building (Mathematics and Physical Sciences) improvements, B300 (Classrooms and Labs) and PE 200 building (Hart Gymnasium) renovations, M&O Complex improvements, vehicular circulation modification, fine arts promenade, and Performing Arts Yard renovations. A community trail with native landscaping is proposed to connect the campus to the City of Irvine’s Jeffery Open Space Trail. Proposed parking lot improvements involve reconfiguring parking lots, providing solar canopies, and providing approximately 360 additional parking spaces. The 2020 FMP identifies 8,354 fewer enrollments at Saddleback College in 2030 than anticipated by the 2011 FMPs. The 2020 FMP plans for an increase of 43,385 ASF of educational facility space over the existing condition, which results in a total of 594,895 ASF (approximately 803,108 GSF at 65% grossing factor) at Saddleback College. This is 35,402 GSF less educational facility space than what was assumed in the 2011 FMP. The Project proposes demolition of the existing Student Services Center and Administration and Governance building and construction of a new Student Union Building with an associated parking structure. The 2011 FMP included extensive renovation of the existing Science and Math building. The 2020 FMP includes replacement of the existing building with a new approximately 50,000 GSF multi-story building that would be 31,420 GSF smaller than the renovated structure included in the 2011 FMP. A new Gateway building would be developed that would have 77,985 GSF to provide interdisciplinary instructional space and new integrated space for student services. The existing parking lot 7 would be developed with a new 25,000 GSF Wellness Center. Consistent with the 2011 FMP, a new Fitness and Wellness Center would be constructed. Buildings PE100, PE200, PE300, PE400, and PE500 would be demolished and a new 55,900 GSF Physical Education Complex would be constructed. Also consistent with the 2011 FMP, new softball fields would replace the existing softball fields. Student housing would be developed in an area that was planned for surface level parking by the 2011 FMP. The 2011 FMP includes construction of a new Fine Arts building. However, the 2020 FMP includes renovation of the existing Fine Arts building. The TAS building would be renovated to address building deficiencies and support several programs. The existing programs in the M1 and M2 buildings would be relocated to the new ATEP facility, and the buildings would be renovated for use of grounds and transportation services. Two new parking structures and several surface lots are proposed to improve access and increase parking capacity. In addition, five student pick-up and drop-off areas are provided throughout the campus to reduce congestion. The 2020 FMP includes developing an Arboretum Trail that would circle the campus.

Contact Information

Ann-Marie Gabel
Agency Name
South Orange County Community College District
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant


Mission Viejo
Cross Streets
Marguerite Parkway, Avery Parkway
Total Acres

Notice of Determination

Approving Agency
South Orange County Community College District
Approving Agency Role
Lead Agency
Approved On
County Clerk
Final Environmental Document Available at
South Orange County Community College District offices at Saddleback College, Health Sciences/District Offices Building, 28000 Marguerite Parkway, Mission Viejo, CA 92692


(1) The project will have a significant impact on the environment
(2a) An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(2b) A Mitigated or a Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(2c) An other document type was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
Yes (Addendum)
(3) Mitigated measures were made a condition of the approval of the project
(4) A mitigation reporting or monitoring plan was adopted for this project
(5) A Statement of Overriding Considerations was adopted for this project
(6) Findings were made pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
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