Clearwell Replacement/Enlargement & Standby Power Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
Buckingham Park Water District
Document Title
Clearwell Replacement/Enlargement & Standby Power Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Water District must increase its storage capacity sufficiently to satisfy CCR 64554, which requires that the Water District must maintain water storage that is equal to or greater than the highest volume of water that was produced by the Water District in one day over the proceeding ten (10) years. In addition, a fire flow storage volume of ninety thousand (90,000) gallons, as required by the local fire protection district and the Lake County Subdivision Ordinance, must also be maintained by the Water District. To achieve sufficient water storage capacity as required by both the State of California, Department of Public Health and the Kelseyville Fire Protection District, the Water District must have the ability to store 500,000 gallons of portable water.
The District proposes to locate this added storage capacity at its treatment plant, in a location of an existing redwood Chlorine Contact tank, which has not lived its useful life, and at times, due to the inadequate capacity of the tank, has been ineffective in providing the minimum Chorine Contact required by State of California regulation. The new storage tank will effectively assume that Chlorine Contact function of the District's inadequate redwood Chlorine Contact tank, and add sufficient storage to ensure the domestic water supply, as well as sufficient storage for fire flow.
Contact Information
Ellen L. Pearson
Agency Name
Buckingham Park Water District
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
Under CEQA categorical exemption Class 1, the project is exempt due to the nature of the project; assessment and repairs of existing public facilities. Under Statutory Exemption, 152693, Emergency repairs to public facilities necessary to maintain services essential to the public health, safety, or welfare. Under Other Statutory Exemptions, Section 21080.21, Installation or repairs of pipelines < 1 mile in length are excluded.
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