Tranfer of a residential development right to El Dorado County APN 16-313-01 (Houghton-
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Tahoe Conservancy
Document Title
Tranfer of a residential development right to El Dorado County APN 16-313-01 (Houghton-
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Between a parcel of land located on 9120 South Lane, in the unnamed subdivision located to the east of Rubicon Properties Unit No. 2 Subdivision (APN 16-131-01); and a vacant parcel located on Lot # 239, to the southwest and across the street from 2250 Lupine Trail, in the Montgomery Estates Unit #4 Subdivision (APN 25-741-01); both in El Dorado County.
Contact Information
Amy Cecchettini
Agency Name
California Tahoe Conservancy
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
El Dorado
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15303, 15305, 15317
Reasons for Exemption
The transfer of a residential development right will permit construction of a second single family residence which is categorically exempt under Class 3 (new construction of small structures); retirement of coverage on the sending parcel is exempt under Class 5 (minor alterations in land use limitations), and Class 17 (open-space contracts or easements).
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