Well No. 3409-2 Redrill
SCH Number
Public Agency
Coachella Valley Water District
Document Title
Well No. 3409-2 Redrill
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) proposes to destroy Well No. 3409-1 and redrill, test, case and develop a new 2,000 gallon-per-minute (gpm) domestic water well including the installation of a 300 horsepower motor, 2,000 gpm pump and other above-ground and underground appurtenances complete and in place at the existing Well No. 3409-1 site on CVWD property identified as Lot 325, APN 665-164-012. The purpose of the project is to replace Well No. 2409-1, which is not operating properly as a result of a structure failure. Redrilled Well No. 3409-2 would be connected to the existing domestic water system to provide water service and fire protection to meet an increasing demand in the Lower Improvement District 8 Pressure Zone. The proposed construction activities include installing 50 feet of conductor casing, drilling a pilot bore 1,300 feet below ground surface, reaming the pilot bore for 450 feet to a 32-inch final well diameter, and reaming another 800 feet of the pilot bore to a 26-inch final well diameter. All construction activities will take place at the existing Well No. 3409-1 site.
Contact Information
Luke Stowe
Agency Name
Coachella Valley Water District
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Art. 19 Sec. 15302
Reasons for Exemption
Article 19, Section 15302 of CEQA includes replacement and reconstruction of existing utilities and/or facilities.
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