Christmas Valley 3 Defense Zone Phase II
SCH Number
Public Agency
Lake Valley Fire Protection District
Document Title
Christmas Valley 3 Defense Zone Phase II
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Approximately 25 acres is proposed for fuel reduction treatment on private property. An experienced fuels treatment crew and small, light equipment (less than 5 psi) will be utilized to create a defense zone. The project area is identified as priority treatment area in the 2004 Community Wildlife Protection Plan for the California Side of the Lake Tahoe Basin. The goal is to reduce the associated risks of a catastrophic wildfire on life, property and the environment. The primary objective is to reduce potential fire intensity and rate of spread by thinning forest fuels adjacent to residential communities and recreational areas. Another objective is to improve forest health by decreasing competition for light, nutrients and water for the residual stand comprised of the highest quality individuals.
Contact Information
Susie Kaiser
Agency Name
Lake Valley Fire Protection District
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
El Dorado
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15301, 15304
Reasons for Exemption
Project plan, layout and design has been developed by a Registered Professional Forester or supervised designee. A search of the Natural Diversity Database yielded no listed species in the project area. An archaeological records search found no known sites in the project area. An archaeological survey has been completed by a Registered Professional Forester and supervised designee that have both successfully completed the CalFire Archaeological Training. No sites were found within the project area. Small, light equipment shall only operate off paved surfaces in designated areas during dry soil conditions. The proposed project will not have significant impacts.
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