Hueneeus Vinters, LLC Vineyard Replant
SCH Number
Public Agency
Napa County
Document Title
Hueneeus Vinters, LLC Vineyard Replant
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The applicant proposes grading and earthmoving activities associated with the replanting of 7.0 acres of moderately to steeply sloped (slopes typically 15% to 35%; averaging 25%) vineyard.
Contact Information
Daniel Zador
Agency Name
Napa County
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
St. Helena
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 1; Sec 15301
Reasons for Exemption
Project is the grading, earthmoving activities and installation and maintenance of erosion control measures associated with the replanting of moderately to steeply sloping vineyard (slopes ranging from 15-35%, averaging +-25%). The area to be distributed is not situated on a recognized hazardous waste site or in a culturally or biologically sensitive area and will not disturb any know landslide. This conversion will not adversely affect scenic resources, or substantially interfere with the movement of wildlife. In addition it will not contribute to increases in local off-site stream flows or sediment levels, reductions in groundwater recharge, groundwater levels, or available wildlife habitat, or changes in other environmental parameters. Finally, there are no unusual circumstances associated with this replant that would cause it to have a significant effect on the environment.
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