Application 05WA-071, 05AP0014, and 05RZ-069
SCH Number
Public Agency
Tuolumne County
Document Title
Application 05WA-071, 05AP0014, and 05RZ-069
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
1. Resolution for Agricultural Preserve Alteration 05AP-014 to enlarge Agriucultural Preserve 40 by the addition of 0.08+/- acre;
2. Ordinance for Zone Change 05RZ-069 to rezone a 2,613+/- acre site from AD-37 (Exclusive Agricultural, thirty seven acre minimum) and K:MX (General Recreation:Mobilehome Combining) to AE-37:AP (Exclusive Agricultural, thirty-seven acre minimum: Agricultural Preserve Combing) under Title 17 of the Tuolumne County Ordinan ce Code; and
3. Application 05WA-071 to rescind an existing contract under Resolution 122-70 applicable to 2,613+/- acres and enter into a new land conservation contract for the entire 2,613+/- acre site pursuant to Tuolumne County Resolution 105-04, including approval of the Agricultural Management Plan.
Contact Information
Renee Hendry
Agency Name
Tuolumne County
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
The project consists of enlarging an agricultural preserve and entering into a land conservation contract under the terms of the Williamson Act. The Zone Change portion of the project is required pursuant to Tuolumne County Resolution 106-04, in order to enter into a land conservation contract and implement the contract through zoning.
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