Fine Gold Creek Riparian Fencing (SNC 080189)
SCH Number
Public Agency
Sierra Nevada Conservancy
Document Title
Fine Gold Creek Riparian Fencing (SNC 080189)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Sierra Foothill Conservancy is seeking $100,000 in Sierra Nevada Conservancy Prop. 84 funding to create a riparian corridor along one mile of lower Fine Gold Creek, just before it enters Millerton Lake. By excluding cattle from the riparian area, SFC hopes to re-establish native grasses, willows, and other riparian plant species, as well as stabalize the banks of Fine Gold Creek and reduce erosion. SFC staff will monitor the levels of Residual Dry Matter in the riparian area for a four yr period to document growth and utilization by grazing. In addition to fencing, the grant would provide funding for a water development project to provide water for cattle away from the creek. The water development project will include spring development on the east side of the preserve and a solar water pumping station from an existing collection system near Fine Gold Creek. The solar pump will fill two water holding tanks high on the west side of the preserve, from which two water troughs will be filled to supply water for cattle and wildlife.
Contact Information
Marji Feliz
Agency Name
Sierra Nevada Conservancy
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15303(e); 15304(a)(d)(f)
Reasons for Exemption
This project qualifies as categorically exempt under Sections 15303(e) and 15304 (a)(d)(f) in that it involves the installation of fencing, a small amount of leveling where the water troughs will be placed (completed by hand or small wheeled tractor), installation of above-ground water polyurethane pipelines, and installation of water holding tanks. A water collection point along Fine Gold Creek and the developed spring are pre-existing. Work will require very little trenching, and the majority of earth-moving activities will be performed by hand. No work will occur in the streambed, and all activities will be greater than 100 ft away from any elderberry bushes on the property. The minor alterations to land will result in improvement of habitat for fish and wildlife resources. None of the Exceptions listed under Section 15300.2 apply to this project.
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