Reconstructing and Resurfacing of Lerdo Highway between SR 99 and Driver Road- Federal Project ID #KER 060407
SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Shafter
Document Title
Reconstructing and Resurfacing of Lerdo Highway between SR 99 and Driver Road- Federal Project ID #KER 060407
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Reconstructing and resurfacing of Lerdo Highway between State Route 99 and approximately 850 feet east of the east boundary of Driver Road. The resurfacing and reconstructing of existing traffic lanes located wholly within the City street right-of-way. No work will occur within the State right-of-way. Planned work includes milling up to four inches of pavement and repaving the roadway at various locations on Lerdo Highway. Work between the east boundary of the project and Gate 3 of Shafter-Minter Field Airport (approximately 250 feet west of the midsection line of Section 17, T28S, R26E, MDB&M) may include complete removal and reconstruction of the roadbed in both the eastbound and westbound lanes. Reconstruction work, where needed, will include recompaction of the subgrade, installation of aggregate base, and asphalt paving. No portion of the reconstruction work will occur outside the City right-of-way. Collected grindings will be used toward road shoulder stabilization within eight feet of the existing edge of pavement. Any excess grindings will become the property of the contractor and will be properly disposed of or recycled. Work will not be performed in the following locations: within the west-bound left-turn lane from Lerdo Highway onto Zerker Road, within the Zerker Road/Lerdo Highway intersection, between Carver Street and Carsen Way south of the 24-foot east-bound travel lanes, and at the realigned entrance to Shafter-Minter Field Airport at the Carver Street/North American Street intersection with Lerdo Highway. Equipment will be staged on APN's 091-171-30 and -31, located on the south side of Lerdo Highway, approximately 300 feet west of Zerker Road. The equipment staging area is completely enclosed by an existing fence and no portion of the fencing will be removed or relocated as a result of the project.
Contact Information
Suzanne Forrest
Agency Name
City of Shafter
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Other Location Info
Lerdo Highway
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
Sec. 15061(b)(3)
Reasons for Exemption
General Rule
There is no possibility that the proposed reconstruction and resurfacing of Lerdo Highway will have a potential significant effect on the environment regarding aesthetics, biological resources, hazardous material, mineral resources, public services, utilities, agricultural resources, cultural resources, hydrology, water qualtiy, wetlands, noise, or recreation. The project work will occur within the existing paved roadway and the road shoulders no more than eight feet, north or south respectively, of the edge of pavement. The project is not increasing the number of traffic lanes or traffic speeds in the area. There are no visual resources that will be affected by the project. There are no sensitive species, habitat, list critical habitat, or wetlands on, adjacent to, or near the project. No trees or tree branches will be affected or removed by the project. No materials will be discharged into water resources or wetlands. No utility lines, poles, trees, fences, mail boxes, traffic signals, or curb, gutter, and sidewalks will be affected by the project. There are no hazardous material sites on, adjacent to, or near the project site. No farmland will be affected by the project. No structures will be removed or relocated by the project. No mineral resources will be affected by the project. Therefore, it can be determined with certainty that there is no possibility that the proposed reconstruction and resurfacing of Lerdo Highway would have a potential significant effect on the environment.
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