Hendrick Ranch Nature Area Wetland and Riparian Restoration (Project); Grant Agreement No. 06-276-554-0


SCH Number
Public Agency
State Water Resources Control Board
Document Title
Hendrick Ranch Nature Area Wetland and Riparian Restoration (Project); Grant Agreement No. 06-276-554-0
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The purposes of the proposed Project are to restore and maintain 36 acres of riparian and wetland habitat between upslope agricultural areas and the Santa Clara River by removing invasive plant species, planting native riparian and wetland plants and densely plant of drainage ditches, and to quantify water quality benefits after Project implementation.

Contact Information

Lisa Lee
Agency Name
State Water Resources Control Board
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Other Location Info
Hedrick Ranch Nature Area

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
Friends of the Santa Clara River will be implementing the Project, which involves: 1) producing a detailed Restoration Plan, 2) reporting current and past agricultural practices on adjacent lands, 3) researching cropping patterns on farmed areas and determining areas that provide runoff into the Project site, 4) evaluating fertilization, chemical applications and irrigation practices, 5) reporting water volumes and quantity of pesticides and nutrients, 6) installing test wells, 7) conducting pre-and post-Project baseline biological monitoring, 8) installing a grid of lysimeters to depths of two to eight feet below the surface, 9) conducting the ecological restoration project as detailed in the Restoration Plan, 10) increasing public awareness by organizing tours, volunteer training, distributing educational materials and communicating with other professionals and agencies, 11) collecting data by using existing training program and materials, submitting training sign-in sheets, conducting water quality sampling, measurements and analyses, and 12) interpreting data. The Ecological Restoration Project will involve: 1) constructing a nursery area with a small greenhouse, herbivore-proof grow-out area and storage shed, 2) conducting minor alterations to land through weeding, mowing and vegetating activities and 3) monitoring and data collecting activities.

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