Repair shoulder and roadbed erosion


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Transportation, District 2
Document Title
Repair shoulder and roadbed erosion
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The California Department of Transportation proposes to permanently repair shoulder and roadbed erosion caused by storm damage in 2005. The project is located in Plumas County on SR 89 at post mile 11.8/11.9. Work will include removing the K-rail, extending the existing crib wall twenty feet, adding fill, and restoring the roadbed prism and shoulder to its original condition. Staging will occur within the project limits, on the east side of SR 89. Construction work will occur between May 1 and October 30 and is scheduled to be complete within 10 days. An environmental evaluation was performed which consisted of researching resource databases, records, and field surveys. The following was determined: No adverse biological impacts are anticipated from this project; however, the following measures will be implemented to avoid and minimize any potential effects. 1. No trees shall be removed as part of the proposed project without first notifying the Caltrans Environmental Construction Liaison or Caltrans Biologist. 2. All work shall take place outside the banks of Indian Creek. 3. No material shall be deposited or allowed to enter the banks of Indian Creek. This project is not anticipated to impact any cultural resources and has no potential affect to historic properties. If buried cultural materials are in countered during construction, it is Caltran's policy (Caltrans Environmental handbook 2004, Volume 2, Chapter 2-4.4) that work stop in the area until a qualified archaeologist can evaluate the nature and significance of the find and an appropriate course of action can be determined in consultation with the State Office of Historic Preservation. An initial Site Assessment (ISA) was conducted for the above referenced project. Based on the current project scope, there are no hazardous waste issues. A geologic evaluation regarding Naturally Occurring Asbestos (NOA) was also conducted within the project limits. The evaluation does not indicate the presence of altered ultramafic bedrock, alluvium derived from ultramafic rock, and other rock commonly associated with NOA. The proposed project is not within, and does not impact, any site listed on the Cortese List. Permits will not be required for this project.

Contact Information

Amber Kelley
Agency Name
California Department of Transportation, District 2
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency



Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class1d(PRC21084;14CCR15300 seq)
Reasons for Exemption
This project will not result in any significant impacts to the environment.

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