Napa Firewise Goat Fuels Management Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Document Title
Napa Firewise Goat Fuels Management Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Approximately 250 acres will be treated to reduce the fuel loading, create a shaded fuelbreak, and to increase the defensible space around structures and other improvements to reduce the threat from wildland fires. Crews and goats will be used to meet the treatment objectives specific to each treatment area. Goats, 250 to 500, will be rotated through treatment areas to achieve the proper amount of surface fuel (grass and small shrubs) reduction without damaging small trees and larger vegetation. Hand crews will be used for brush and ladder fuel removal. Fuel loading created by the crews will be pile burned under prescribed weather conditions and only on permitted burn days. The fuel reduction will prevent an ignition from becoming a large damaging fire and also serve to protect the communities of Angwin, Deer Park, and Tucker Farms from an encroaching wildfire. All of the proposed treatment areas are grass, oak/grass woodland, and grass underneath pine trees. Grass would be the primary carrier of fire through the areas without associated torching or a sustained crown fire. However, the areas have become overgrown, shade tolerant species have prospered, and open meadows have been encroached. This has created an increased fire hazard, and would allow a fire to torch trees or make a sustained run in the crowns. Residences and structures are located alongside the vegetation, and the areas are "textbook" wildland/urban interface (WUI).
Contact Information
Frank Kemper
Agency Name
Cal Fire
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Other Location Info
Communities: Angwin, Deer Park, and Tucker Farms
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15304(i)
Reasons for Exemption
14CRC Section 15304(i) allows minor alteration of vegetation, including fuel management activities to reduce the volume of flammable vegetation, provided the activities do not result in the taking of endangered, rare, or threatened plant or animal species or significant erosion and sedimentation of surface waters. According to the DFG Natural Diversity Database, there are no listed plant or animal species recorded in the project vicinity. The project has been reviewed by a CAL FIRE archeologist and avoidance measures and limited ground disturbance will result in less than significant impacts to historic or cultural resources.
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