Thousand Trails Low Water Crossing Barrier Notch


SCH Number
Public Agency
Fish & Game #3
Document Title
Thousand Trails Low Water Crossing Barrier Notch
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project proposes to modify an existing low-water crossing with apron on Thousand Trails property to enhance upstream passage for steelhead trout, an anadromous salmonid fish species listed as threatened under the ESA and CESA. The instream structure consists of a concrete-and-rubble low water crossing that extends bank to bank, with two small (18") culverts located approximately in the middle.

Contact Information

Michelle Leicester
Agency Name
California Department of Fish and Game
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Morgan Hill
Santa Clara

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15333, 15307
Reasons for Exemption
The project is being undertaken solely to enhance the ability of a listed species (steelhead trout) to access its spawning habitat located above the barrier, and is less than 5 acres in size. No impacts to any listed species will occur, and no alterations to the natural channel will be made as a result of this project. Approximately 1-3 cubic yards of concrete fill will be removed from the channel and disposed of off-site.

Disclaimer: The document was originally posted before CEQAnet had the capability to host attachments for the public. To obtain the original attachments for this document, please contact the lead agency at the contact information listed above.

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