Rename San Bernardino State Office Building
SCH Number
Public Agency
Department of General Services
Document Title
Rename San Bernardino State Office Building
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Department of General Services, Asset Management Branch, is designing a marker and plaque that will appropriately commemorate the San Bernardino State Government Center as the Rosa Parks Memorial Building.
The new signage is consistent with signing requirements for state buildings. The new signage will be erected in a manner similar to that of other State buildings that have been named in honor of a significant person in California or American History. The current building signage will be replaced so as to allow for the easy identification of the building. Thus, the proposed signage shall include:
- The building address and "STATE GOVERNMENT CENTER" located at the main building entrance to remain.
- A double-sided monument sign identifying the building as the Rosa Parks Memorial Building to be located in the existing landscape area at the main building entrance courtyard.
- New brushed aluminum letters on the existing concrete entrance wall on North "E" Street side identifying the building as the Rosa Parks Memorial Building.
- A commemorative bronze cast plaque for Rosa Parks to be erected on the existing stone wall in the first floor main lobby.
Contact Information
Maria Gassoumis
Agency Name
Department of General Services
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
San Bernardino
San Bernardino
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15301
Reasons for Exemption
The project is an existing public facility and the existing marker will be left in place changing the signage only. There is no expansion of existing use. A new monument sign will be established in the existing lawn area. The new monument will not impact any trees or bushes and aluminum letters will also be added to the existing wall on the west side of the building's main entrance.
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