South Weed Infrastructure - Mary's Drive Roadway Improvements Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Weed
Document Title
South Weed Infrastructure - Mary's Drive Roadway Improvements Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project consists of widening Black Butte Drive, Kellogg Drive, and Mary's Drive including construction of curb and gutter, and asphalt overlay to provide improved infrastructure and public safety for current and planned commercial development. The roadway improvements will not increase roadway capacity as no new lanes will be constructed. The widening will add between 10 and 20 feet to the existing right-of-way and up to 20 feet of paving in some areas. The road is adjacent to wetlands at the intersection of Mary's Drive and Kellogg Drive. The project will fill a total of 0.093 acre of riparian wetlands. The impact to wetlands will be mitigated for on-site. The total project area is approximately 8.25 acres. The project also entails reconstruction of an existing roadside ditch that drains into Black Butte Creek (aka: Black Butte Springs Drainage Ditch). The existing roadside ditch is used to accommodate the overflow that comes from a settling pond southwest of the Crystal Geyser Plant. The overflow drainage ditch will be temporarily diverted while the roadside ditch is reconstructed with rock armor. No work will be done in the Black Butte Creek Drainage. Final erosion control measures will consist of seed, straw, rock check dams, and silt fences to protect the stream. Flows in the Black Butte Creek drainage are currently being conveyed under Mary's Drive via a 24" culvert. The 24" culvert and Black Butte Creek will not be disturbed. In addition, three culverts on Mary's Drive will require modifications. None of these culverts are connected to the Black Butte Creek drainage. All three culverts convey low volumes of water and remain dry throughout much of the year. Modifications to these culverts will be made during the dry season when there is no flow.

Contact Information

Earl Wilson
Agency Name
City of Weed
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency



Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15301(c)
Reasons for Exemption
Existing highways and streets, sidewalks, gutters, bicycle and pedestrian trails, and similar facilities (this includes road grading for the purpose of public safety). The project involves minor widening and upgrade of a substandard roadway serving an existing industrial park. The existing road is too narrow to allow safe passage of large trucks and provides no areas for pedestrians or non-motorized traffic.

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