San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District Rules: Adopted Rule 2020 (Exemptions); Adopted Rule 2201 (New and Modified Stationary Source Review Ru
SCH Number
Public Agency
San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District
Document Title
San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District Rules: Adopted Rule 2020 (Exemptions); Adopted Rule 2201 (New and Modified Stationary Source Review Ru
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Rule 9310 reduces emissions from school bus fleets and consequently reduces the public's exposure to air toxic contaminants and criteria pollutants. It applies to operators for public and private schools bus fleets that provide service to schools.
The amendments to Rule 2020 and Rule 2201 are administrative changes that incorporate existing state law requirements for permitting agricultural sources of air emissions.
Adopted Rule 4602 and Rule 4612 are designed to align District rules with the Suggested Control Measure adopted by the California Air Resources Board. Rule 4602 was amended in order to introduce a sunset date of December 31, 2008 for its requirements and new Rule 4612 will replace the current version of Rule 4602 in January 1, 2009.
Contact Information
Dan Garcia
Agency Name
San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Fresno, Kern, Kings, Madera, Merced, San Joaquin
Other Location Info
All counties and cities within SJVAB.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
Section 15061(b)(3)
Reasons for Exemption
The SJVUAPCD investigated the possible environmental impacts of the proposed project and determined that said project will have no possible significant adverse effect on the environment and is necessary to reduce emissions.
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