Eradication of Oriental Fruit Fly Infestation, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara County
SCH Number
Public Agency
Department of Food and Agriculture
Document Title
Eradication of Oriental Fruit Fly Infestation, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara County
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The proposed project consists of an emergency amendment of Section 3591.12(a) of the California Code of Regulations which will establish Santa Barbara County as an eradication area for Bactrocera dorsalis Oriental fruit fly. The effect of the amendment is to provide authority for the State to perform detection, control and eradication activities against peach fruit fly in Los Angeles County to prevent spread of the fly to noninfested areas to protect California's agricultural industry.
Contact Information
Jim Rains
Agency Name
Department of Food and Agriculture
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15308
Reasons for Exemption
The project is exempt because it consists of specific actions necessary to prevent or mitigate an emergency. The project is also exempt because it consists of actions taken by a regulatory agency, as authorized by state statute, to assure the maintenance or protection of the environment where the regulatory process involves procedures for the protection of the environment.
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