Removal Action Workplan, Proposed Farmdale Elementary School Site for Removal of Lead Impacted Soil


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC)
Document Title
Removal Action Workplan, Proposed Farmdale Elementary School Site for Removal of Lead Impacted Soil
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Removal Action Workplan (RAW) identifies procedures to remove 13 cy of lead contaminated soils from an area just south of the existing shed utilizing fron end loader, backhoe, and other appropriate equipment for offsite disposal of contaminated soils. The proposed school site is currently vacant, therefore excavation and removal activities are expected to be scheduled and excavation and removal is estimated to be completed in 12 working days. Spray-applied water will be utilized during excavation and removal activities, and workers will be required to use personal protective equipment to limit exposure to contaminants of concern. Soils will be loaded directly onto trucks as they are excavated and/or removed thereby minimize the potential spread of contaminated soil, creation, of dust in the air, or contaminated soil adhering to the truck tires.

Contact Information

Jose Luevano
Agency Name
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency



Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15330
Reasons for Exemption
This section specifies that some small or medium removal actions, costing $1 million or less, can be taken to prevent, minimize, stabilize, mitigate, or eliminate the release or threat of release of a hazardous waste or hazardous substance. This project consitutes a minor removal activity to allow the construction of the proposed Farmdale Elementary School. This remedial action is intended to elminate the threat of a release that could expose sensitive populations at a school site. The proposed removal and disposal, assuming that all contaminated soils will be sent to a Class I disposal facility (Chemical Waste Management, Kettleman City, CA) is $20,200. The proposed removal and disposal, assuming that all contaminated soils will be sent to a non-hazardous waste disposal facility (Altamont Landfill, Livermore, CA) is $16,800. The project is not affected by any of the exceptions noted in Title 14, Cal Code Regs., Section 15300.2. Specifically, the site is not on the Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites List and is not in an area of known biological or cultural resources. Also, no impacts were found that would cause the project to need further environmental review. This small remedial action will not have a significant effect on the environment because of the following: a. The proposed Farmdale Elementary School site is situated in a rural area. The nearest residential receptors (farm houses) are greater than 700 feet away from the area to be excavated. b. The San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District (SJVUAPCD) requirements will be met for visible emissions (Rule 4101) and fugitive dust from construction, demolition, excavation, and other earthmoving activities (Rule 8121). Notification to SJVUAPCD is required only for large operations, operations requiring disturbance of more than 100 acres or the moving of more than 10,000 cy of soils per day, required control measures are "best management practices." Therefore, neither notification nor submittal of a Fugitive Dust Emission Control Plan is required based on project size. Excavation, loading and transport of impacted soils will be completed in compliance with SJVUAPCD Rule 4101, and prevention, reduction, and mitigation measures for fugitive dust emissions will be completed in compliance with SJVUAPCD Rule 8121. Areas targeted for excavation will be watered down prior to initiation of dirt moving activities and throughout the project to suppress dust and ensure that air quality is not adversely impacted. Work will be temporarily suspended if fugitive dust emissions and asbestos exceed the criteria established by the air pollution control district. The soil stockpiling process will be monitored to control fugitive dust. During non-excavation hours or when soil stockpiles are inactive, excavated soil stockpiles will be covered with plastic sheeting. c. Monitoring dust levels in the exclusion zone and other locations will be implemented. A site air monitoring professional will have the authority to stop-work in the event that on-site activities generate dust levels that exceed the job-site or community action levels, and/or sustained winds of 25 mph. d. Native and man-made berms will be put in place to further reduce the potential for storm runoff of contaminated water. Any lead contaminated soil stockpiles will be covered by plastic sheeting and bermed to prevent runoff until the contaminated soils are loaded onto transport containers. e. The transport of contaminated soils will be on rural roads for approximately 4.0 miles to State Highway and will not pass any sensitive receptors or large concentrations of residential areas. Trucks leaving the site will be controlled to avoid transport during peak commute traffic hours.

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