Restroom Replacements and Other Accessibility Upgrades


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Parks and Recreation
Document Title
Restroom Replacements and Other Accessibility Upgrades
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Replace existing facilities at Kelsey Creek Campground at Clear Lake State Park with facilities that meet ADA standards. Add minor accessible features. Work includes: Park Entrance Area: Reconfigure accessible parking and entrance into office. Replace existing curb ramp and restripe parking. Replace door handle and parking sign and add accessible drinking fountain. The display panel providing park information will have soil surface leveled and compacted in front of panel. Boat Launch Area: Six existing picnic sites in the boat launch area will be improved for access by providing an accessible route to the sites and providing a firm surface under tables by proper compaction of existing soil or the addition of a cellular material or soil stabilizer to provide correct stability. This will require surface disturbance of 6" or less. Correct accessible parking will be provided along with curb cuts as needed. Parking stalls, 5 total, will require a sign post for each. The exhibit panel will have surface stabilized in the same manner as the picnic sites to provide correct viewing area. Fish cleaning station will be lowered to correct height. Group Day Use/Campfire Center: Demolish existing 16'x23' concrete masonry restroom and shower building and concrete slab and replace with new ADA-compliant building approximately 20 feet east, using the existing utilities and drainage system. The new building floor will be elevated 6"-12" from the current elevation. Remove +/- 75 linear feet of existing asphalt path and replace with same amount of ADA-compliant asphalt path connecting new building. Replace existing drinking fountain with ADA-compliant drinking fountain. Any trimming of trees on the site will be conducted by a qualified arborist in order to prevent undue damage to trees and to avoid creating safety hazards. When disturbing ground within an area equal to 5 times the diameter-at-breast-height (dbh) of existing trees, no soil will be disturbed between 0-2 feet in depth. For example, with a 24" dbh tree, soil disturbance shall not occur within 10 feet of the trunk. The new building will be placed a distance of >5 times the dbh of the trees away from their trunks (approx. 12' from the trunks). Work will avoid a distance of >5 times the dbh of the large oak trees in the campfire area when making improvements there. Construct accessible route between restroom campfire center and group area of a soil surface using native material compacted, cellular material, or soil stabilizer. Modify campfire center benches to provide 4 wheelchair seating areas. Replace group area barbeques with models of accessible design. Surface area under 4-6 tables will be improved for access using cellular material. A water station will be added with a French drain. Campground: Modify two existing combination restroom/shower buildings for accessibility by adding accessible shower room, toilet room and additional utility/equipment room adjacent to each of the two existing buildings. Replace existing drinking fountains with ADA-compliant drinking fountains on each building. Add 2 ADA-compliant benches to each building. Replace information board at each building with new ADA-compliant information board. Provide ADA modification to parking stalls and sidewalk (add signs, restriping, one new ADA ramp). Existing utilities and drainage system will be used. Some minor site grading adjacent to the existing building sites is anticipated. Existing accessible campsites #'s 49 and 50 will have maintenance done on them to improve surface. Two additional campsites will be modified for accessibility, requiring surface stabilization using cellular material, compaction of existing soils, or use of soil stabilizer. Tables and fire rings will be replaced with models of accessible design. Adjacent water stations will be modified for accessibility. The use of DPR-approved BMPs will be employed as part of an Erosion Control Plan to prevent any surface runoff that may introduce sediment into surface waters of Kelsey Creek and Clear Lake or that may adversely affect aquatic habitat(s).

Contact Information

Gail Sevrens
Agency Name
California Department of Parks and Recreation
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency



Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Sections 15301, 15311
Reasons for Exemption
Project consists of the minor alteration of existing structures and features involving negligible expansion beyond current use and is included as "modification of existing facilities for handicap access" in the Department of Parks and Recreation's list of exempt activities in accordance with CCR § 15300.4; the placement of minor structures accessory to existing facilities and is included as "installation of signs" and "construction or installation of additional public use facilities (picnic tables, lockers, etc.)" in the Department of Parks and Recreation's list of exempt activities in accordance with CCR § 15300.4.

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