Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) Interim Removal Actions at Installation Restoration Program (IRP) Sites 4 and 6,


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC)
Document Title
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) Interim Removal Actions at Installation Restoration Program (IRP) Sites 4 and 6,
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
IRP Site 4, Vehicle Washrack and Leaking Underground Storage Tank is located in the southeastern portion of AFP 42, 340 feet southeast of Runway 4-22. Field investigations indicated the presence of arsenic in the drainage swale. The proposed interim removal action includes excavation of an area approximately 60 feet long by 9 feet wide by 2.5 feet deep and the disposal of an estimated 50 cubic yards of contaminated soil off-site. IRP Site 6, Original Fire Training Circle is located in the south-central airfield portion of AFP 42, approximately 400 feet southeast of Runway 4-22. Field investigations have indicated the presence of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) at 13.1 mg/kg for Aroclor 1248 and pesticides. The proposed interim removal action includes excavation of an area approximately 62 feet long by 24 feet wide by 6 feet deep and the disposal of an estimated 460 cubic yards of contaminated soil off-site. Standard engineering/construction practices, such as water spray, will be used to control potential dust emissions during excavation activities. Personal air monitoring for worker safety and continuous dust generation monitoring will be conducted by field staff to ensure compliance with Mohave Desert Air Quality Management District regulations. The excavated soils will be placed into designated bermed areas. The final cleanup goals have been established as 9 mg/kg for Arsenic, which is the background level for AFP 42, and 0.27 mg/kg for Arocior 1248, 0.094 mg/kg Aldrin, and 0.099 mg/kg Dieldrin. Upon completion of field activities, if the sites are not suitable for unrestricted land use, insititutional controls will be employed to ensure long-term protectiveness of the remedy and to restrict Sites 4 and 6 to industrial use only. Following waste characterization, the contaminated soil will be manifested and disposed of as non-RCRA hazardous waste at a permitted hazardous waste disposal facility in Arizona. After removal of contaminated soil, the sites will be backfilled with clean soil to restore the sites to their original condition. The time necessary to complete the interim removal action is two days for Site 4 and five days for Site 6.

Contact Information

Tayseer Mahmoud
Agency Name
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Los Angeles
Other Location Info

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
Section 15061(b)(3)
Reasons for Exemption
1. The sites are located within the boundaries of AFP 42, an active military installation. Land use at AFP is limited to industrial operations and encompassed by barbed-wire fencing. Site access is through designated gates that are manned by security personnel 24 hours per day. Each plant site is secured by barbed-wire fencing. There is no access available to the area by the general public and access by non-essential personnel will be restricted during soil removal activities. 2. The nearest potential residential receptors are more than half a mile away. The volume of contaminated soil to be removed is small. The contaminated soil to be removed are not of a reactive or explosive nature. Excavated materials will be handled by licensed and registered transporters, in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. 3. The project area is a previously developed industrial area which has been disturbed for several years and does not support wildlife habitat. A biological survey was conducted for the sites and no ecological receptors were found. 4. A cultural study found that Sites 4 and 6 do not contain cultural or paleontological resources. 5. The transportation route to the disposal site consists of well maintained, all purpose, state highways and county roads. Thirty-five truck loads of waste will be generated and transported with a trap cover to a Class 2 landfill in Arizona. The site is approximately 2.5 miles from the freeway and the planned arrival and departure of trucks will be scheduled to avoid peak traffic period. The City of Palmdale has concurred with the peak traffic hours for the truck route. 6. Prior to backfilling with clean soil and restoration of the sites to their original condition, confirmation soil sampling will be conducted to ensure that all contamination above clean-up levels, as previously described has been removed. 7. Upon completion of field activities, if the sites are not suitable for unrestricted land use, institutional controls will be employed to ensure long-term protectiveness of the remedy and to restrict Sites 4 and 6 to industrial use only. The Air Force will prepare a Feasibility Study/Remedial Action Plan to document the final remedy for the sites.

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