TiTech Site, Removal Action Workplan
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Toxic Substances Control
Document Title
TiTech Site, Removal Action Workplan
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Remedial Activities include excavation, transport, and off-site disposal of approximately 1,416 cubic yards of soil contaminated with tetrachloroethene (PCE), trichloroethene (TCE), petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), and arsenic. Metals, other than arsenic were not identified above background levels. In addition to these activities, clean fill will be imported. These chemicals have originated from historical titanium foundry operations which began in 1969. There are 5 excavation areas with various dimensions. The maximum excavation area is approximately 150 feet by 50 feet by 16 feet. Excavation and backfilling activities are expected to be performed within four weeks.
The remedy also includes installation of a Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) system at the southern boundary of the Site due to elevated levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that cannot be remediated by excavation. Additional SVE units may be installed in the central areas; this will be dependent upon the remaining levels of VOCs which will be determined by the confirmation sampling results. These remedial activities, performed under DTSC oversight, will be conducted within two weeks after formal approval of the Removal Action Workplan (RAW) and acceptance of associated Health and Safety Plan.
If residential cleanup levels cannot be achieved through excavation and SVE activities, a land use covenant will be placed on the property to prohibit residential or sensitive use development. The Covenant will also prohibit any future excavation or disturbing of soil unless a Soil Management Plan and Health and Safety Plan is approved by DTSC. An Operation and Maintenance Plan will also be in place to require continuous monitoring and maintenance of the SVE system, and if appropriate levels of VOCs cannot be achieved, the O&M Plan will also include inspections and repairs for the asphalt cover and proper installation of soil vapor barriers under future buildings.
Contact Information
Jessy Fierro
Agency Name
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Los Angeles
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15330
Reasons for Exemption
1. The project is consistent with the definition of Minor Actions to Prevent or Eliminate to Release of Hazardous Waste or Hazardous Substances. The cost of the project is approximately $373,000, which is less than $1,000,000, and a relatively small volume of soil of approximately 1,416 cubic yards will be removed within one month. The Site is not on the Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites List compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65262.5 and is not in an area of biological or cultural resource significance.
2. The RA will not have a significant effect on the environment because of the following:
a. The excavation and backfill of soil will not permanently alter the landscape. The Site will be restored to its near original condition. A grading permit will be obtained from the City of South Gate for the excavation activities. Transportation vehicles will be driven by registered hazardous waste haulers and wastes will be manifested. Trucks will be decontaminated prior to leaving the Site. Soil from the excavation will be shipped to a Class I hazardous waste landfill.
b. During excavations of 5 feet or deeper, the upper portions of the sidewalls will be excavated with a horizontal to vertical slope ratio of 1:5:1 to prevent possible slope failure. Workers will not enter the trench. During these activities, a Safety Personnel will be present who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the working conditions and is authorized to take prompt corrective measures.
c. DTSC will require an air monitoring program during the remedial activities. Time weighted average readings from monitoring instruments will be compared to the fence-line action level derived from dust loading calculations. This, along with engineering and administrative controls, will be utilized in order to prevent off-site exposure of the chemicals to sensitive receptors.
d. The contractor will submit a Rule 403 notification to Southern California Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) for generation of fugitive dust during soil excavation. Because Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) have been identified in this Site, the contractor will obtain a Various Location Rule 1166 Permit. Such a permit allows excavation of up to 2,000 cubic yards of VOC-contaminated material under specified permit requirements. Dust suppression procedures will be adhered to during the RA activities. This includes: light spraying of excavation areas with water prior to disturbing soil, reduced speeds of vehicles and equipment to prevent soil dispersion, and wind speed monitoring and work stoppage if winds reach a range that creates offsite migration activities. Air monitoring of particulates, including metals, will be required during the removal process.
e. This activity will involve approximately 106 shipments, performed during working hours. The transporting trucks will access the 57 Freeway which is within 1 mile of the Site. Trucks will take the least intrusive route, along the industrial corridor and avoiding residential areas, in order to access the 57 Freeway. The responsible party will avoid transportation of the soil during hours of heavy freeway congestion. There will be little impact on the nearby public streets or traffic in the site vicinity.
f. The operation of the SVE system will not adversely affect outdoor air quality. The nearest off-site receptors are workers in commercial buildings located approximately 20 feet from the proposed SVE units. Monitoring of the system will initially take place daily and reduce to weekly after two weeks of operation. If there is an interruption in the operation of the system, an alarm will sound off, and the operator and responsible party will be notified by telephone.
g. The contractor will obtain a Permit to Construct and Operate from SCAQMD describing the type of SVE equipment to be used and proposed locations.
h. A noise monitoring and prevention program will be in place. Work shall take place during regular working hours.
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