Addition to the List of Common Electronic Hazardous Wastes in Title 22, Chapter 11, Appendix X, Subsection(c) (R-04-12)


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC)
Document Title
Addition to the List of Common Electronic Hazardous Wastes in Title 22, Chapter 11, Appendix X, Subsection(c) (R-04-12)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
DTSC has amended the list of common electronic hazardous wastes. Under the regulations, the following electronic devices are added to Appendix X, subsection (c), are presumed to be hazardous wastes, and must be managed as "covered electronic devices" unless the manufacturer of the device has obtained DTSC's concurrence that the device is non-hazardous. 1) Televisions with liquid crystal display (LCD) screens greater than four inches measured diagonally. 2) Plasma televisions with screens greater than four inches measured diagonally.

Contact Information

Chau Nguyentat
Agency Name
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency



Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
General Rule, Section 15061(b)(3
Reasons for Exemption
Based upon laboratory work, DTSC has classified the items listed above as sources of hazardous consitituents which are presumed to be hazardous waste when they are discarded. As a result, it is appropriate to add them to the list of common electronic hazardous wastes required by Health and Safety Code, section 25214.10.1(b). Procedures in existing regulation allow manufacturers to rebut the presumption on a case specific basis. Inclusion of the devices on the list does not change the determination as to whether or not a device is hazardous. It is an adminstrative procedure to include the devices within the regulatory list pursuant to statutory requirements. The inclusion of the items on the list will not itself result in any potential for a significant impact on the environment. Inclusion of the items on the list of common electronic hazardous wastes also means that these items become part of the recycling fee and recycler reimbursement program as "covered electronic devices", under Public Resources Code section 42460 et seq., along with Cathode Ray Tubes and other electronic devices. These lead and copper containing hazardous wastes will be directed to proper destination sites, thereby significantly reducing the negative environmental impact that electronic hazardous wastes could have if they were disposed in municipal solid waste landfills.

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