Issuance of License Agreement for the California Institute of Technology to Property Along the Colorado River Aqueduct
SCH Number
Public Agency
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
Document Title
Issuance of License Agreement for the California Institute of Technology to Property Along the Colorado River Aqueduct
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (Metropolitan) proposes to grant the California Institute of Technology license to enter upon Metropolitan property for the purpose of installing and maintaining a seismic sensing equipment vault and adjunct instruments that will aid the study of active faulting and earthquake hazards in Southern California.
Contact Information
Ms. Laura Simonek
Agency Name
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
San Bernardino
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 1&6, Sec. 15301/15306
Reasons for Exemption
The proposed action consists of the licensing of existing facilities or topographical features with negligible expansion of use beyond that existing at the time of the lead agency's determination. It also involves basic data collection, research, and resource evaluation activities which do not result in a serious or major disturbance to an environmental resource.
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