Approval of the Removal Action Work Plan for the Lead Impacted Soil at Capehart Housing, Department of Defense Housing Facility, Former Hamilton Air Force Base,
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Toxic Substances Control
Document Title
Approval of the Removal Action Work Plan for the Lead Impacted Soil at Capehart Housing, Department of Defense Housing Facility, Former Hamilton Air Force Base,
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The proposed project is the approval of a Removal Action Work plan (RAW) for the excavation of soil containing residual levels of lead-based paint in excess of 400 parts per million (ppm) and to confirm that this cleanup level is not exceeded after the demolition of existing residential housing units and regrading of the property. The proposed project consists of (1) the excavation of known areas of soil containing lead-based paint in excess of the DTSC approved cleanup goal for future residential use; (2) post removal and excavation soil confirmation sampling to confirm that lead levels are below the cleanup goal; (3) soil staging, waste characterization, loading and offsite transportation of soil to a permitted disposal facility; (4) DTSC's approval of the confirmation sample results; (5) backfilling of the excavation with clean soil. Soil compaction will not be performed because the existing buildings are slated for demolition and the area regraded in preparation for future redevelopment, (6) regrading of the entire site in association with the building demolition and redevelopment activities, (7) representative soil sampling of the entire site to confirm that lead levels are below the cleanup goal, and (8) DTSC's approval of the representative sampling results.
The proposed project involves the excavation and offsite disposal of approximately 200 cubic yards of lead-based paint contaminated soil from areas around five residential buildings. Excavation of the five areas will range in size from 750 to 760 square feet that consists of landscaped areas surrounding the buildings which contain either two or three residential units and associated carports. An estimated 120 cubic yards of soil will be removed from the 197 Bolling Drive area, 10 cubic yards of soil from the 243 Bolling Drive area, 15 cubic yards of soil from the 296 Bolling Drive area, 10 cubic yards of soil from the 320 Bolling Drive area, and 20 cubic yards from the 210 Randolph Drive area. The soil proposed for excavation contains lead-based paint residues above levels acceptable by DTSC for potential residential redevelopment.
Contact Information
Theresa McGarry
Agency Name
Department of Toxic Substances Control, Federal Facilities Unit
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Northern California
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
The Class 30 exemption consists of any minor cleanup actions taken to prevent, minimize, stabilize, mitigate, or eliminate the release or threat of release of a hazardous waste or substance which are small or medium removal actions costing $1 million or less, which are consistent with applicable state and local environmental permitting requirements. The project consists of such action, and is projected to cost less than $200,000. The project falls within one of the examples given in Guideline 15330, namely "(e) Excavation and/or offsite disposal of contaminated soils or sludges in regulated units." No evidence was presented of a reasonable possibility that the project will have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances.
The proposed project consists of the removal of approximately 200 cubic yards of lead-based paint contaminated soils and post-grading confirmation sampling on the 135 acre site. Prior to the implementation of the removal action activities, a Site-specific Health and Safety and Dust Prevention Plan will be prepared in accordance with Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) requirements. The Plan will detail measures required to protect onsite workers and the public from the potential hazards associated with the inhalation of dust impacted with lead. Excavation soils will be loaded in metal storage bins for staging and waste characterization and sampling. Each bin sample will be tested for total lead content. Soluble lead using Cal EPA's soluble Threshold Limit Concentration (STLC) and federal Toxic Characteristics Leaching Procedures (TCLP) will also be analyzed if total lead results exceed 50 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg). The STLC and TCLP threshold concentration is 5 milligrams per liter (mg/l). If the bin sample lead concentrations exceeds the total STLC or TCLP, the soil will be classified as hazardous waste, transported to a permitted Class I landfill for disposal. Bins with consistent samples of lead less than 350 ppm will be sent to a Class III landfill facility for disposal. However, if portions of the bin soil exceed the 350 ppm maximum lead concentration permitted for disposal at a Class III landfill facility, the bin will require disposal at a Class II landfill facility.
Excavated soil will be transported by licensed hazardous waste transporters. It is anticipated that the proposed removal action will involve approximately 20-25 truck trips over two to three weeks which should not significantly impact traffic in the area. Trucks will be loaded on the site and travel on Bolling and Randolph Drives to Main Gate Road. After exiting former Hamilton Air Force Base, trucks will head south on Nave Drive to the Nave Drive On Ramp to Highway 101.
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