Multi-Purpose Playing Fields
SCH Number
Public Agency
California State University, Monterey Bay
Document Title
Multi-Purpose Playing Fields
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project will provide two multi-purpose outdoor athletic fields, a 106 stall parking lot (striping of existing pavement), a modular restroom facility, and irrigation and lighting infrastructure. The purpose of the project is to support the University's athletics/sports, intramural and recreation programs, as well as some availability for community use. The outdoor recreation capacity added by the project will allow the University to accommodate the projected student enrollment for 2000 and beyond. As a State public institution of higher education, the beneficiaries of this project are the State of California and specifically the projected demand for higher education currently generated by the primary and secondary schools.
Contact Information
Trisha Lord
Agency Name
California State University, Monterey Bay
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
21084, 15332
Reasons for Exemption
a) The project is consistent with the approved Campus Master Plan and all applocable policies and regulations; b) it is within the campus boundaries on a site less than 5 acres that was paved by the previous property owners; c) the site will replace a portion of an existing 35 acre expanse of pavement, formerly used for parking and military parade ceremonies, which has no existng habitat value, with field turf and landscaping; d) the development is within theplanned program analyzed in the Master Plan Final Environmental Impact Report (SCH #1997081036); e) the project will not result in any significant environmental effects and will incrementally improve storm water percolation and water quality; f) the site and project can be adquately served by the extension of all required utilities and public services.
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