County of Fresno, San Joaquin & Kings River, Maintence & Erosion Repair, Agreement No. 4-222-98
SCH Number
Public Agency
Fish & Game #4
Document Title
County of Fresno, San Joaquin & Kings River, Maintence & Erosion Repair, Agreement No. 4-222-98
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Removal of fallen trees, substanial amounts of debris, rubbish, and other obstructions from areas within 20 feet of bridges, culverts, diversions, or flow control structures which cause an obstruction flow. Removal/displacement of accumulated sand, silt, and sediment to maintain channel capacity. Repair of erosion control, which may consist of sloping, installation of rock, gabions, or erosion control measures, from the toe of slope in the channel to the top of the bank to stabilize eroded areas. Control of aquatic vegetation and woody growth to remove obstructions to flow in the channel bottom from toe to toe, and from the bottom half of the channel banks. Where appropriate, non-native vegetation (which restrict flows) in certain channels will be removed by use of mechanicial devices, chemicals, controlled burning, or hand labor, for control purposes. Oak trees, large sycamore trees, large cottonwood trees, and large willow trees will be retained.
Contact Information
Edward S. Armstrong
Agency Name
Department of Fish and Game, Region 4
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
County of Fresno will maintain and/or repair existing bridges, culverts, diversions, of flow control structures. A Streambed Alteration Agreement, Memorandum of Understanding, pursuant to Fish and Game Code 1600 et seq. has been obtained in which protective measures for fish and wildlife resources are included. No possible significant effects to the environment are expected.
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