Ruth-Zenia Road/Van Duzen River Bridge (5C-199) Replacement Prject Trinity County, California
SCH Number
Public Agency
Trinity County
Document Title
Ruth-Zenia Road/Van Duzen River Bridge (5C-199) Replacement Prject Trinity County, California
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Trinity Couinty Department of Transportation plans to replace the existing one-lane steel and concrete bridge to correct an area of poor alignment along the southeastern corner. The new bridge will be located immediately upstream (east) from the existing bridge and consist of a two-lan, three span, flat slab concrete structure with two abutments and pier walls. The two piers will be located within the normal high water line of Van Duzen River. In addition, portions of Ruth-Zenia Road will be realigned and widened to twoi lanes at either end of the bridge to accommodate the new bridge. The olkd bridge, including its concrete abutments, will be removed once the new bridge is operational.
Contact Information
Mr. Bill Taggart
Agency Name
Trinity County Department of Transportation
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15301 (c) 15302
Reasons for Exemption
The project will not result in significant cumulative impacts. The purpose of the project is to replace the previous bridge and repair the roadway approaches to the bridge. The project will not increase the current capacity of the road or stimulate growth inducing impacts in this rural area. The project will not have a significant effect on the environment. The project does not impact cultural or historic resources, federal or state proposed for listing endangered species, jurisdictional wetlands, or established floodways and the project is not located within toxic sites isted by the California Environmental Protection Agency as provided under Govt. Code 65962.5.
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