Remedy Selection for Corrective Action, SWMU #25, L-B Area, USS-POSCO Industries
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Toxic Substances Control
Document Title
Remedy Selection for Corrective Action, SWMU #25, L-B Area, USS-POSCO Industries
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Site L-B occupies approximately 70 acres and is located in the northwest portion of the USS-POSCO property. Extensive soil and groundwater testing indicates that soils in the unit contain levels of arsenic above those deemed safe for residential occupation but within levels deemed safe for industrial and construction activities. No impact to groundwater has been founded to exist. A site specific health risk assessment was completed and approved by DTSC to determine acceptable levels of contaminants which could be left on site and not significantly impact the health of industrial and construction workers. The level of arsenic found to be acceptable for industrial and construction activities at the site was 160 ppm. The remedy will require that a deed restriction be placed on the LB site restricting use to construction activities and industrial use only.
Contact Information
Andrew Berna-Hicks
Agency Name
Class 1 Permit Modification to General Permit Provisions of Seri
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Contra Costa
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
*Site L-B area has been deemed safe for industrial and construction activities based on a site specific risk assessment approved by DTSC. * A deed restriction will forbid activities which would expose human to significant quantities of contaminates. Use of the site is restricted to industrial/commercial use only. * No endangered plants or animals are known to exist at the project site. * No historical or archeological remains or artifacts are know to exist at the site.
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